Guardians of Good
RB: The Hobbit

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Gandalf the Grey
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Oversize, 10.5W x 9H

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Added 11/15/2007
Updated 10/11/2014
This animation art is from the 1977, 90 minute animated adaption by Arthur Rankin Jr. and Jules Bass production of The Hobbit.

In this scene, Gandalf has just rescued the Bilbo and the dwarves from the Goblins. Here Gandalf speaks with Thorin Oakenshield, the heir to a dwarven kingdom under the Lonely Mountain.

Gandalf was one of the Order of Wizards sent to Middle-earth to oppose Sauron. During his 2,000 years in Middle-earth, Gandalf came to understand and love the land and its peoples, particularly Hobbits. Gandalf was one of the Maiar, spirits who helped and served the Valar. When he lived in the Undying Lands he was known as Olorin, and he was the wisest of the Maiar. For much of the time, Olorin dwelled in Lorien, the gardens of the Vala Irmo for which the woods of Lothlorien in Middle-earth were named. e Maiar who were sent by the Valar to Middle-earth were given the bodies of old men and were known as Istari, or Wizards. Their mission was to help the free peoples of Middle-earth oppose Sauron without seeking domination or power for themselves. Olorin was the last of the five Wizards to arrive at the Grey Havens in northwestern Middle-earth.

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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
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