Guardians of Good
RB: Thundercats BGs

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Mumm-Ra's tomb entrance w/Ancient Spirits of Evil
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Added 4/27/2009
Updated 5/1/2009
Mumm-Ra usually resides in his Black Pyramid as a withered, corpse-like being; however, he can alter his form by reciting the following incantation: "Ancient spirits of evil, transform this decayed form to Mumm-Ra, the Ever-Living!"

This transforms him into a muscular fiend who menaces the ThunderCats with episode-long challenges before being driven back into his sarcophagus.

In later episodes, while endowing Mumm-Ra with his powers, the statues of the Ancient Spirits of Evil would come down from their perches, extend their arms over him as the powers of evil would flow onto Mumm-Ra.

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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
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