Narse - Black Dragon
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Added 10/10/2009
Updated 3/30/2018
The five Ancient Dragons of Lodoss are the most powerful creatures known to exist. They were born in the primal ages when the gods warred with one another, and fought side by side with the gods themselves. When the world was shattered, and gods faded away, only a dozen Ancient Dragons survived, and most of them retired to remote abodes, far from the scattered pockets of civilization. When the powerful Kingdom of Sorcery arose, the Ancient Dragons once more played a vital and dreadful role in the wars between the Wizards Kings and Barons in their squabbling over the lands of Lodoss. In the end, Kastuul collapsed, and many of the last Ancient Dragons died fighting one another. Only five Ancient Dragons survived, charged with guarding the most powerful treasures of Kastuul, the Governor's Treasures. For five hundred years, the Ancient Dragons guarded their magical troves. Then, when the wars against Marmo arose, the remaining Ancient Dragons awoke once more. By the end of the series (Chronicals) all of the Ancient Dragons had died but one, Mycen, the Golden Dragon of Moss.
As a dragon of darkness, Narse is extremely evil and malevolent. However, he has done little for the past five hundred years and spends most of his time hibernating in the caverns beneath Conquera. Narse is not as large as Shooting Star, but is still very impressive, with a wing span of three to four hundred meters, and measures four hundred meters from nose to tail. He actually has two tails, a feature that distinguishes him from most other dragons.
The Dragons of Lodoss:
Abram A blue dragon, and an ally of Narse, one of the five ancient dragons that had one of the governor's treasures. Abram resides on Blue Dragon Island, where he leisurely swims from to attack and destroy sailing vessels. Abram protects the Soul Crystal Ball, an artifact that can restore life.[4]
[edit] Bramd Bramd is an ancient white dragon, and a former ally to the magic city of Kastuul. A direct ally with Mycen, he would be more likely to lend his aid to her than to any other ally on Lodoss. When Kastuul fell during the final battle of the magic city, Bramd and several other dragons were sent to distant corners of Lodoss to try and preserve the legacy of the magic city. Bramd himself was given the Staff of Life to protect, and until he was absolved of the geas spell upon himself, he did so.
A decade or more before the events of Record of Lodoss War, Bramd's geas spell was lifted by Neese, a priestess of Marfa. After Neese removed the curse from Bramd, Bramd granted her the staff he was entrusted to protect. In order to keep the staff protected, Neese sent the staff away to the city of Valis to remain within the halls of the temple of Falis.[5]
In his search for the Scepter of Domination, Ashram slew Bramd while he was still in hibernation, but finding no treasure with the dragon,he went to Tarbin, the location of the high temple of Marfa, where he found out that Bramd's artifact was not what he was looking for.[6]
[edit] Mycen A golden dragon, one of the five ancient dragons that had one of the governor's treasures. She resides in Moss, guarded by a fortress of dragon riders. Mycen's treasure is the Mirror of Truth, the least powerful of the treasures. However, she is by no means the least powerful dragon.
[edit] Narse A black dragon, one of the five ancient dragons that had one of the governor's treasures. Narse resides underneath Marmo itself, where he sleeps awaiting the proper day to awaken. Narse protects the Ferronierre of Knowledge, but it still lays unclaimed and unfound under Marmo. Narse is the dragon counterpart of Kardis.
[edit] Shooting Star A red dragon, one of the five ancient dragons that had one of the governor's treasures. The most powerful of the dragons, Shooting Star protects the most powerful artifact, the Scepter of Domination. Shooting Star resides in Flame Dragon Mountain, not far from the city of Blade.
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