Guardians of Good
RB: Silverhawks

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The Silverhawks was Rankin-Bass's almost "sequel" to the earlier success they had with the Thundercats.

Using many of the same voice actors and animators, 1986 brought along the Silverhawks... half-human, half-metal heroes who fought the evil Mon*Star and his Mob in the space known only as Limbo.

Original SilverHawks
Comdr. Stargazer,Quicksilver,Steelheart & Steelwill,The Copper Kid,Hotwing (Adolph Caesar),Flashback,Moonstryker,Condor

Seymour,Zeek the Beak,Harry,Professor Power,Sanders,Monotone,Grod the informer,Lord Cash,Gotbucks

Mon*Star, Yess-man,Hardware,Melodia,Windhammer,Mo-Lec-U-Lar,Mumbo Jumbo,Poker-Face,Timestopper,Buzz-Saw, Smiley
Bounty Hunter,hree Outlaws from Fence, The Spacial Bandit,Rhino,Cyclops

 Silverhawks Opening sequence

 Silverhawks Opening sequence

 Quicksilver Opening sequence

 Steelheart Opening sequence

 Silverhawks : Steelheart Opening sequence

 Quicksilver Opening sequence

 Quicksilver Opening sequence

 Steelheart Opening sequence

 Steelheart Opening sequence

 Melodia intro

 Ep 1:Mon*Star

 Ep 1:Mon*Star

 Comdr. Stargazer







 Ep 2: Cooper kid

 Tally Hawk

 Tally Hawk

 Tally Hawk

 Tally Hawk
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292209

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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