Guardians of Good
DiC: Jayce & the Wheeled Warriors

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Jayce, son of Audric, and his quest to rejoin him. Audric was a botanist who did several experiments with biotechnology, one of which blossomed and became a young humanoid girl named Flora. Audric had also created a miracle crop that could thrive in any environment and end galactic hunger. However, suddenly a solar flare mutates his plant into an evil, sentient being named Saw Boss, and changes other plants around Audric's laboratory into similar creatures, who collectively become known as the Monster Minds. Audric manages to create a magical Root that can destroy the Monster Minds, but is forced to flee before he can complete the task. He keeps half himself and gives the other half to his servant, Oon, whom he sends to serve Jayce. Thus, Jayce and his Lightning League friends are constantly on a quest to find Audric and combine the halves of the Root.


 Old Wizard





 Monster Minds

 Jayce in Armed Force

 Monster Minds

 Jayce, Flora & Oon


 Jayce Herc, Gillian, Oon, Flora




 Herc Stormsailor





 Jayce Herc, Flora, Oon

 Jayce, Flora, Gillian, Oon

 Jayce & Oon

 Jayce & Herc Stormsailor
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
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