Guardians of Good
DiC: Inspector Gadget

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Inspector Gadget is an animated television series about a clumsy, absent-minded, and oblivious detective, Inspector Gadget, who is a human being with various cyborg "gadgets" built into his anatomy. Gadget's main nemesis is the mysterious Dr. Claw, leader of an evil organization known as MAD.
Characters include:
Inspector Gadget- A bumbling detective with gadgets built into his body. His catchphrase is "Wowsers!".

Penny as seen in the show's opening Penny (voiced first by Cree Summer, then by Holly Berger) Gadget's precocious niece.

BrainBrain (voiced by Frank Welker)
Penny's dog. He assists her in keeping Gadget out of danger and solving the crime.

Dr. Claw (voiced by Frank Welker, and in some episodes, Don Francks)
The main villain in the series and leader of the evil organization known as M.A.D.

M.A.D. Cat (voiced by Frank Welker) Dr. Claw's fat pet cat. He is always at Dr. Claw's side.

Chief Quimby (voiced by Chris Wiggins, then by Maurice LaMarche)
Gadget's boss. He appears disguised at the beginning of each episode with his own theme music to deliver Gadget his mission only to be blown up by the self-destructing message.

Corporal Capeman (voiced by Townsend Coleman) Nerdy sidekick who dresses in stereotypical superhero garb and accompanies Gadget in a few episodes during the second season.

 Chief Quimby

 MAD gang villain

 Inspector Gadget

 Inspector Gadget

 Inspector Gadget

 MAD gang villain

 Inspector Gadget, Brain

 Inspector Gadget

 Inspector Gadget

 Inspector Gadget

 Inspector Gadget, Brain,Penny

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292247

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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