Toei: Voltron - Dairugger
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Voltron - Dairugger There are three assault team units: Land, Air and Sea. These units combine to form Voltron - Dairugger. There are a total of 15 parts referred to as "Rugger," which can combine together to form the super-robot Dairugger. The design of the 15 separate Rugger units came from the sport of rugby, since 15 players are required to form a rugby union.
The U.S. version would rename the "Galbeston Empire" to "Drule Empire," along with editing a fair amount of violence and sexual content to keep the show safe for general audience broadcast.
At the time of Dairugger XV's screenwriting and original design, there was no intended plan to merge it with what eventually became Voltron. In fact, World Events Productions' original plan was to buy the rights to two other Japanese series ? Lightspeed ElectroGod Albegas as "Voltron II," and the much older 1979 Future Robo Daltanius as "Voltron III." The plan never materialized, and Dairugger was the only show left to be adapted into the Voltron universe.
Dairugger Characters Air Team uniforms:dark blue & white. Sea Team uniforms:navy blue and aqua. Land Team uniforms :white and red.
Rugger #1 Pilot Jeff Dukane Air Team Command Jet Explorer head Rugger #2 Pilot Rocky Air Team Strato Weapons Module upper torso Rugger #3 Pilot Wolo Air Team Advanced Recon Helicopter right upper arm Rugger #4 Pilot Chip Stoker Air Team Advanced Recon Helicopter left upper arm Rugger #5 Pilot Ginger Air Team Falcon VT Fighter chest plate Rugger #6 Pilot Cric Sea Team Communications Module hips Rugger #7 Pilot Lisa Sea Team Space Prober right thigh Rugger #8 Pilot Tagor Sea Team Space Prober left thigh Rugger #9 Pilot Shannon Sea Team Multi-Wheeled Explorer right lower leg Rugger #10 Pilot Zandee Sea Team Multi-Wheeled Explorer left lower leg Rugger #11 Pilot Cliff Land Team Jet Radar Station torso mid-rif Rugger #12 Pilot Cinda Land Team Rotating Personnel Carrier right forearm Rugger #13 Pilot Modoch Land Team Armored Equipment Carrier left forearm Rugger #14 Pilot Marvin Land Team All-Terrain Space Vehicle right foot Rugger #15 Pilot Hutch Land Team All-Terrain Space Vehicle left foot.
Images and links to other Voltron sites may be viewed by visiting Volton Archive Animation Character descriptions: Volton caps