Guardians of Good
Disney: The Black Cauldron

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The Black Cauldron is the twenty-fifth animated feature in the Disney animated features canon. It was produced by Walt Disney Productions, and originally released to theatres on July 24, 1985 by Walt Disney Pictures and Buena Vista Distribution. The story concerns the evil Horned King who attempts to secure the Black Cauldron in order to rule the world. The Horned King is opposed by the heroes Taran, Princess Eilonwy, Flewddur Flam, and a strange creature named Gurgi.

 Princess Eilonwy w/magic glowing bauble

 Fair Folk

 Taran with his sword

 Gwythiant Pan

 The Horned King


 Hen Wen and Creeper

 Fflewddur Fflam

 Orddu- one of the three Witch sisters

 Three Witches -Orwen, Orddu & Orgoch

 Three Witches -Orwen, Orddu & Orgoch





Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292248

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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