Guardians of Good
HB: Hong Kong Phooey

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Hong Kong Phooey is a 16-episode (31 shorts) Hanna-Barbera animated series that first aired on ABC Saturday morning from September 7, 1974 to September 4, 1976. The star, Hong Kong Phooey, is the secret alter ego of Penrod Pooch, or Penry (sometimes mispronounced "Henry"), a "mild-mannered" police station janitor. Although Penry/Phooey appears to be the only anthropomorphic dog in the entire city where the series is set, no one ever connects his two identities.

 Hong Kong Phooey & Spot

 Sarge, Penry , Spot and Rosemary

 Hong Kong Phooey in Phooeymobile

 Hong Kong Phooey



 Hong Kong Phooey

 Hong Kong Phooey

 Hong Kong Phooey

 Hong Kong Phooey

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292253

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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