Guardians of Good
Sunbow: G.I. Joe ARAH

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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (1985 TV series) - a 95 episode long animated series which was produced by Marvel Productions and Sunbow Productions to follow the success of the toyline by Hasbro. The cartoon had its beginnings with two five-part mini-series, then became a regular series that ran in syndication from 1985 to 1987. The first season of G. I. Joe consisted of 55 new episodes, plus reruns of the two earlier 5-part miniseries, for a total of 65 episodes.

In the second season there were 30 additional shows, followed by a direct-to-video Movie (aired on TV in five parts). All together, there were 100 Sunbow cartoon episodes (5 + 5 + 55 + 30 + 5), along with five different opening sequences. The first two miniseries were counted as part of the first season, and the Movie was added into the second season.

G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero caps

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe - Cobra H.I.S.S. tank

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe -Sharc

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

  Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe - Roadblock, Flint & Lady J

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe- LJ

 Episode 2: The Pyramid of Darkness - Rendezvous in the City of the Dead

 Episode 2: The Pyramid of Darkness - Rendezvous in the City of the Dead-Roadblock, Airtight and Footloose

 Episode 4: The Pyramid of Darkness - Chaos in the Sea of Lost Souls

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe- Mutt

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe-

 Episode 4: The Pyramid of Darkness Chaos in the Sea of Lost Souls Quick Kick & Storm Shadow

 Episode 5: The Pyramid of Darkness, Knotting Cobra's Coils: Baroness/Destro

 Episode 9: Cobra stops the world

 Episode 12 The Funhouse: Robot Cobra Commander

 Episode 12 The Funhouse: Robot Cobra Commander

 Episode 16: Synthoid Conspiracy Part 1- Scarlett

 Episode 32: Captives of Cobra - Part I- Scarlet Control

 Episode 32: Captives of Cobra - Part I- Cobra and Joes
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
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