Guardians of Good
Sunbow: Transformers S1

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Season 1 Episode 1-16 Broadcasted 1984
The Transformers is an American animated television series depicting a war between giant robots who could transform into vehicles, and other objects. Written and recorded in America, and produced for American audiences, the series was animated in Japan and South Korea, and was based upon the line of transforming toys originally created by Japanese toy manufacturer Takara, which were developed into the Transformers line by American company Hasbro.

Transformer News.... Transformer News

Transformer News.... Transformer Episodes

 Autobot Insignia

 Episode 4 - Transport to Oblivion: Bumblebee

 Episode 4 - Transport to Oblivion: Megatron and Prime

 Episode 5: Roll for it -Sideswipe

 Episode 5 - Roll For It - Bumblebee

 Episode 5 - Roll For It -Prowl

 Episode 6 - Divide And Conquer - Trailbreaker & Bluestreak

 Episode 7- S.O.S. Dinobots: Megatron

 Episode 8: The Ultimate Doom: Pt1 Brainwash - Ironhide

 Episode 9 : Ultimate Doom Pt2 - Search - Laserbeak & Spike

 Episode 10 - The Ultimate Doom Pt3 - Thundercracker

 Episode 10 - The Ultimate Doom Pt3 -Rumble

 Episode 10 - The Ultimate Doom Pt3 - Ratchet

 Episode 11- War of the Dinobots: Bluestreak

 Episode 11- War of the Dinobots: Optimus Prime

 Episode 12 -Countdown to Extinction- Thundercracker & Skywarp

 Episode 14: -Fire On The Mountain - Skywarp & Starscream

 Episode 14: Fire on the Mountain -Thundercracker

 Episode 14: -Fire On The Mountain -Thundercracker

 Episode 14: -Fire On The Mountain - Wheeljack

 Episode 15 - A Plague of Insecticons - Insecticons

 Episode 15 - A Plague of Insecticons -Sideswipe

 Episode 15 - A Plague of Insecticons -Sideswipe

  Episode 15 - A Plague of Insecticons - Bumblebee
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