Guardians of Good
DiC: Ulysses 31

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Ulysses 31 (Japanese: 宇宙伝説ユリシーズ31 /Ulysse 31) is a Franco-Japanese anime series which ran until 1981 which updates the Greek and Roman mythology of Odysseus (known as "Ulysses" in Roman Mythology, and Ulysse in French) to the 31st century.

The show comprises 26 episodes was produced by D.i.C. Audiovisuel in conjunction with Tokyo Movie Shinsha(TSM).

The Gods of Olympus are angered when Ulysses, commander of the giant spaceship Odyssey, kills the giant Cyclops to save a group of enslaved children, including his son. Zeus sentences Ulysses to travel the universe with his crew frozen until he finds the Kingdom of Hades, at which point his crew will be revived and he will be able to return to Earth.
Ulysses ? Captain of the Odyssey. He achieved the Solar Peace before being the subject of the Olympian gods' revenge.
Telemachus ? son of Ulysses and second in command; and Yumi's friend and protector.
Yumi ? a blue-skinned humanoid-alien from the white planet, Zotra. She is the younger sister of Nouma?os. She possesses telepathic powers.
Nono ? Small robotic companion of Telemachus, fond of eating nails, a trusty friend who was given to him as a birthday present. He is skilled at machinery repair and possesses tremendous physical strength.
Shirka ? the Odyssey's main computer. Speaks with a deep female voice.
Numinor ? older brother of Yumi. He is saved by Ulysses from being sacrificed to the Cyclops. He is in suspended animation along with the rest of the crew, for most of the series.
The episode list:

*1 Vengeance of the Gods -------- *14 Song of Danger
*2 The Lost Planet ------------------ *15 Before the Flood
*3 The Black Sphere ---------------- *16 The Magic Spells of Circe
*4 Guardian of the Cosmic Winds - 17 Lost in the Labyrinth
*5 The Eternal Punishment --------- 18 At the Heart of the Universe
*6 Flowers of Fear ------------------- 19 The Hidden Truth
*7 Mutiny on Board ------------------ 20 The Magician in Black
*8 Secret of the Sphinx ------------- 21 Rebellion on Lemnos
*9 The Seat of Forgetfulness ------ 22 The City of Cortex
*10 Trapped Between Fire and Ice 23 Calypso
*11 Cronus, Father of Time -------- 24 Strange Meeting
*12 Temple of the Lestrigones ---- 25 The Lotus Eaters
*13 Phantoms from the Swamp --- 26 The Kingdom of Hades

* = released on video

 Episode 2 : The Lost Planet - Ulysses

 Episode 4: Guardian of the Cosmic Wind - Ulysses

 Episode 8: In Secret of the Sphinx - Hirmaini

 Episode 13: Phantoms from the Swamp- Ulysses

 Episode x: x - Ulysses

 Episode x: x - Ulysses & Yumi

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292209

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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