Guardians of Good
RB: Thundercats S4

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Syndicated, 1985-87, Pacific Animation, et al.
Season #4 111-130
Season 4 (1989-90) Characters last appearances.
#114 "Return of Thundera!" Part IV (11.13.1986) (last appearance of the Mutants, except Vultureman)
#122 "Cracker's Revenge" (11.25.1986) (last appearance of Pumyra and the Lunatacs)
#123 "The Mossland Monster" (11.26.1986) (last appearance of Tygra)
#128 "The Zaxx Factor" (12.03.1986) (last appearance of Vultureman)
Escaping their planet prior to its destruction, the Thundercats were attacked in space by thier enemies the mutants and crash-landed on the planet Third Earth. The mutants persued and landed on Third Earth. They allied themselves with the evil Mumm-Ra. The Thudercats led by Lord Lion-o, who wheeled the mystic Sword of Omens, fought to preserve thier race against the evil Mumm-Ra and the mutants. There were 130 episodes.
Snarf, Snarfer, Slythe , Jaga, Mumm-Ra, Vultureman, Tug-Mug, Amok ,Lion-O, Jackalman, Cheetara, Wilykit, Mandora, Luna,Warrior Maidens, Panthro, Red-Eye, Tygra, Wilykat, Ben-Gali, Monkian

Production Staff
Anthony Giovanniello + *
Matthew Malach + *
Connie Long + *
Heather Winters +
Karen Seigal *
Dennis J. Woodyard *
Charles Hasegawa *
Eleanor Musiol *

+ - First season creative staff member for the series.
* - Second season creative staff member for the series.

 Thunderian space ship- Parent Ship

 Episode: Thundercub Cheetara

 Episode : Driller

 Episode 108 - The Jade Dragon

 Episode: 111 - Return to Thundera Part 1 - Jagara

 Episode 112 -Return to Thundera Part I-Pumyra and Lion-O

 Episode: 112 - Return To Thundera - Part II - Group

 Episode: 112 - Return To Thundera - Part II - Grune

 Episode 113 - Return to Thundera Part III -Twotime

 Episode 113 - Return to Thundera Part III - Domedown

 Episode 116 - Leah - Mirror Wraith & Mummra

 Episode 116 - Leah - Mirror Wraith& Panthro

 Episode 120: Malcar

 Episode 125 - ShadowMaster - Lion- o & Claudus

 Episode 125 - The Shadowmaster

 Episode 128 -The Zaxx Factor - Mumm-ra and Zaxx

 Episode 128 -The Zaxx Factor - Mumm-ra and Zaxx

 Episode 129- Well of Doubt-Signal Tower on New Thundera

 Episode 129 - Well of Doubt -Baron Tass

 Episode 129 -Well of Doubt -Baron Tass

 Episode 129- Well of Doubt-Guardsman

 Episode 129- Well of Doubt-Guardsman

 Episode 129- Well of Doubt-Guardsman

 Episode 130 - The Book of Omens
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
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