Guardians of Good
Sunbow: Transformers S5

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Transformers: The Headmasters
Rather than import The Rebirth as a conclusion, Takara, the Japanese producers of the Transformers toyline, opted instead to continue the Generation 1 universe by creating the full-length 35-episode series, Transformers: The Headmasters.

Although populated mainly with new characters, The Headmasters did continue to feature characters from all previous seasons, including new versions of Soundwave and Blaster, rebuilt after a duel that destroyed them both as *Soundblaster* and *Twincast*. Human *Daniel Witwicky* and his young Autobot friend Wheelie also played major roles in the series, serving as the youthful characters for the audience to identify with. More new characters continued to pour in when Galvatron returned to leadership and the Decepticons embarked on a space voyage, ransacking planets in a chain of stories that introduced the Horrorcons and Autobot and *Decepticon Clones*. The return to Earth was no less momentous, as the Decepticon ninja six-changer Sixshot killed Ultra Magnus, and the Autobot Headmasters finished off Galvatron.

Transformer News.... Transformer Episodes

 The Shadow Emperor, Scorponok - Decepticons Pan

 Episode 2: The Mystery of Planet Master - Arcee and Blurr

 Highbrow and Brainstorm

 Episode 3: Birth of Double Prime - Maximus & Cyclonus

 Episode 3: Birth of Double Prime -Hot Rod & Headmasters

 Episode 3: Birth of Double Prime - Arcee and Blurr

 Episode 6- Approach of the Demon Meteorite

 Episode 6 - Approach of the Demon Meteorite

 Episode 7:The Four Million Year Old Veil of Mystery - Galvatron

 Episode 12: Zarak the Shadow Emperor - Arcee, Daniel Witwicky

 Episode 12: Zarak the Shadow Emperor - Arcee Wheelie & Daniel

  Episode 12: Zarak the Shadow Emperor

 Episode 12: Zarak the Shadow Emperor - Daniel Witwicky

 Episode 12: Zarak the Shadow Emperor - Fortress


 Episode 15-Explosion On Mars!! Mega Zarak Appears-Twincast

 Episode 18: Nightmare Planet - Razorclaw and Springer

 Episode 23 : Mystery of the Space Pirate Ship- Group shot w/Autobot Clones

 Episode 34: The Final Showdown on Earth Part 1-Chromedone and Pointblank

 Scorponok and Weirdwolf

 Episode 12: The Dormant Volcano Mysteriously Erupts



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