Guardians of Good
Sunbow: Transformers S7

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Transformers: Zone
Originally intended to be a full-length direct-to-video (OVA) series, 1990s Transformers: Zone was cancelled after only one episode, making it the very last Generation 1 animated project. Following on from Victory, the mysterious three-faced insectoid being, Violenjiger dispatches the nine "Great Decepticon Generals" - Devastator, Menasor, Bruticus, Trypticon, Predaking, Abominus, King Poseidon, Overlord and BlackZarak - to acquire "Zone Energy," destroying the planet Feminia to obtain the world's store. Caught in the destruction of the planet, Star Saber is rescued by Dai Atlas, who then repels an attack by the Decepticons, and is appointed the new Autobot commander at the conclusion of the episode.

The cast of Zone is heavily composed of Micromasters. Dai Atlas is a "Powered Master," so named for his motorized gimmick, as is his combining partner Sonic Bomber - the toyline also featured another partner for them, Roadfire, who was not in the episode. The solitary Decepticons in the toyline were the Race Car Patrol, and Metrotitan, a redeco of the Autobot city Metroplex, neither of whom appeared in animated form.

 The Multiforce - Machtackle and Dashtacker

 Battle to the Death at the South Pole- Landcross

 Liokaiser, Merge!- Clipper

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292246

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