Guardians of Good
Toei: Captain Future

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1978, one year after Hamilton's death, Toei Animation of Japan produced a Captain Future (キャプテン・フューチャー, Kyaputen Fyūchā?) TV anime series of 53 episodes, based on 13 original Hamilton stories. Despite the strong cultural differences and the large gap between a literary work and animation, the series was close to the original in many ways, from the didactic scientific explanations to the emphasis on the usefulness of brains as opposed to brawn.

The series was translated in several languages and distributed globally. The four episodes comprising the series' second story arc were dubbed into English and released on video by ZIV International in the early 1980s as "The Adventures of Captain Future". In the late 80s, Harmony Gold dubbed the series' initial four-part story as an edited "TV movie" simply entitled Captain Future.

While only eight episodes in total were dubbed into English, the series met huge success particularly in France, where the title and lead character's name were changed to "Capitaine Flam" (Captain Flame), in Italy with the translated title of "Capitan Futuro", in Latin America with the title "Capit?n Futuro", and in Germany, where it appeared under its original title. The success in France and Italy was especially due to anthemic theme tunes (in the dubbed language) which became popular hits in the late 1970s and early 1980s on the French and Italian charts. The Arabic language version has the title of Faris al-Fadha'a ("The Knight of Space") and it is considered one of the most popular anime series after being broadcast many times during the 1980s.

 Catain Future

 Captain Future

 Captain Future

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292251

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