Guardians of Good
RB: Thundercats BGs

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ThunderCats is an American animated television series that was developed and produced by Rankin/Bass Productions, debuting in 1985. The animation was provided by Pacific Animation Corporation, a collective of Japanese studios including Topcraft, a group who would later go on to form Studio Ghibli. Thundercats used what is referred to as "traditional cel animation" . As a cel collector, it is a special thrill to obtain what is called a key master setup which is both the cel and its accompanying backdrop or background painting, especially from Topcraft. Many 1980s series where done in Korea and in my opinion where inferior in quality. You can easily tell the art apart as the colors are usually muted and are low in contrast. As the vast majority of surviving Thundercats key master setups are permanently affixed (production cel & background) finding undamaged, stand-alone backgrounds seems to be quite difficult thus making them a rare and collectable item. I am please to showchase but a few in this section of my gallery.

 Cats Lair

 Cats Lair

 Mum-rna pyrimid

 Mum-Ra's black pyrimid

 Mumm-Ra's tomb entrance

 Mumm-Ra's tomb - Sarcophagus

 Mumm-Ra's tomb - Sarcophagus

 Mumm-Ra's tomb entrance

 Mumm-Ra's tomb entrance w/Ancient Spirits of Evil

 Mumm-Ra's tomb

 Episode 59: Castle Plundarr

 Cats Lair control room

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292246

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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