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J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is a 1978 animated fantasy film directed by Ralph Bakshi.

It is an adaptation of the first half of Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Set in Middle-earth, the film follows a group of hobbits, elves, men, dwarves and wizards who form a Fellowship. They embark on a quest to destroy the One Ring made by the Dark Lord Sauron, and ensure his destruction.

Early in the Second Age of Middle-earth, elven smiths forged nineteen Rings of Power for mortal men, the Dwarf-Lords, and the Elf-Kings. At the same time, the Dark Lord Sauron made the One Ring to rule them all. As the Last Alliance of men and elves fell, the Ring fell into the hands of Prince Isildur from across the sea, and after Isildur was killed by orcs, the Ring lay at the bottom of the river Anduin. Over time, Sauron captured the nine Rings made for men and turned their owners into the Ringwraiths, terrible beings who roamed the world searching for the One Ring. The Ring was found by two friends, one of whom, Sm?agol, was so enticed by the Ring's power that he killed his friend D?agol to get it. The Ring warped him into the creature Gollum. The Ring was later discovered and taken by the hobbit Bilbo Baggins.

The wizard Gandalf tells him to leave the Ring for Frodo Baggins. Bilbo agrees, and leaves the Shire. Seventeen years pass, during which Gandalf learns that the Shire is in danger: evil forces have learned that the Ring is in the possession of a Baggins. Gandalf meets with Frodo to explain the Ring's history and the danger it poses to all of Middle-earth. Frodo leaves his home, taking the Ring with him.

He is accompanied by three hobbit friends, Pippin, Merry, and Sam. After a narrow escape from the Ringwraiths pursuing them, the hobbits eventually come to Bree, where they meet Aragorn, a friend of Gandalf's, who leads them the rest of the way to Rivendell. Frodo is stabbed atop Weathertop mountain by the chief of the Ringwraiths with a knife imbued with evil magic. Part of the knife stays inside him, and he gets sicker as the journey progresses. The Ringwraiths catch up with them shortly after they meet the elf Legolas, and at a standoff at the ford of Rivendell, the Ringwraiths are swept away by the enchanted river. At Rivendell, Frodo is healed by its lord, Elrond. Gandalf held captive by the wizard Saruman, who plans to join with Sauron but also wants the Ring for himself. Frodo volunteers to go to Mordor, where the Ring can be destroyed. Frodo sets off from Rivendell with eight companions: Gandalf; Aragorn; Boromir, son of the Steward of Gondor; Legolas; Gimli the dwarf; and Frodo's original three hobbit companions.


 Gandalf fights the Balrog on the Endless Stair

 Gandalf fights the Balrog on the Endless Stair

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