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HB: Jonny Quest

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Jonny Quest is a science fiction adventure animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions, and created and designed by comic book artist Doug Wildey, about a boy who accompanies his father on extraordinary adventures. Jonny Quest ran on ABC in prime time for one season in 1964-1965 for 26 episodes. After spending two decades in reruns, new episodes were produced for syndication in 1986. Two telefilms and a spin-off series (The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest) later revived the characters for the 1990s. Jonny Quest combined the drama of a radio serial, with the fantasy of an adventure comic book.

Episodes 1 The Mystery of the Lizard Men 2 Arctic Splashdown 3 The Curse of Anubis 4 Pursuit of the Po-Ho 5 Riddle of the Gold 6 Treasure of the Temple 7 Calcutta Adventure 8 The Robot Spy 9 Double Danger 10 Shadow of the Condor 11 Skull and Double Crossbones 12 The Dreadful Doll 13 A Small Matter of Pygmies 14 Dragons of Ashida 15 Turu the Terrible 16 The Fraudulent Volcano 17 Werewolf of the Timberland 18 Pirates From Below 19 Attack of the Tree People 20 The Invisible Monster 21 The Devil’s Tower 22 The Quetong Missile Mystery 23 The House of Seven Gargoyles 24 Terror Island 25 Monsters in the Monastery 26 The Sea Haunt

Reference caps

 Jonny Quest

 Ep 1: Mystery of the Lizard: Jonny Quest & Bandit

 Ep 4: Pursuit of the Po-Ho: Jonny Quest and Hadji

 Ep 7: Calcutta Adventure - Dr Benton Quest

 E13 · A Small Matter of Pygmies

 Ep. 19: Attack of the Tree People - apes

 Ep. 19: Attack of the Tree People - apes

 Ep. 19: Attack of the Tree People - apes

 Ep. 19: Attack of the Tree People -Race

 Ep. 19: Attack of the Tree People -Hagji

 E23 · The House of the Seven Gargoyles

 Ep24 Terror Island -Jonny Quest Hadji and Banit

 Ep 24: Terror Island -Bandit

 Ep 24: Terror Island -Jezebel Jade

 Ep 24: Terror Island -Jezebel Jade

 Ep 24: Terror Island -Benton Quest & Race

 Roger Race Bannon

 Jonny and Hadji

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292209

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