Guardians of Good
Toei: Voltron - Go Lion Douga

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Voltron of the Far Universe-
was aired in 1981 series Hyakujuu-ou Golion (百獣王ゴライオン - Hyakujūō Goraion, Hundred Beast King GoLion/FiveLion), and featured a team of five (six when later Princess Allura replaced Sven) young pilots commanding five robot lions, which could be combined to form the mighty robot Voltron. The Voltron Force was tasked to protect the planet Arus (ruled by Princess Allura) from the evil King Zarkon, his son Lotor, and the witch Haggar, who would create huge Robeasts to terrorize the people of Arus. (This storyline is similar to those of the Toei Super Sentai shows, which formed the basis for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.) Despite being the first of the two robots to appear on American television, the "GoLion" version of Voltron was regarded as "Voltron III" within the toyline because, within the original planned "three-Voltron" continuity, Arus was the furthest setting from Earth's side of the universe ("Voltron I" being intended for the Near Universe, and "Voltron II" for the Middle Universe).
Voltron was tricked by Haggar into landing on a black comet with nearly the gravitational attraction of a singularity. This comet was either a reference to, or itself actually was the Omega Comet from the anim?, which had identical properties, and which appeared in the TV show. Voltron was then attacked by Haggar, and somehow blown into five pieces. They became the five "lions." (Much of this was presented in the "History of Voltron" back-up stories written by Mark Waid, which were ended early due to the cancellation of the series. Therefore, the Devil's Due origin is incomplete.)

Season 1: episodes 1-61
Season 2: episodes 62-104
Season 3: episodes 105-124

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Watch for the new "Media-Blasters" release of Voltron !! Media-Blasters is licencing & distributing the Voltron Go Lion series on DVD. They are currently working on the release of the uncut Japanese version of Go LION, check out Volume #3 in the Special Features section for a view of my Cel Gallary!!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Images and links to other Voltron sites may be viewed by visiting
Volton Archive Animation

 Castle of Lions

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292246

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