Guardians of Good
Sunbow: G.I. Joe BGs

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G.I. Joe is an American animated television series that was developed and produced by produced by Marvel and Sunbow Productions, debuting in 1984 to follow the success of the toyline by Hasbro. G.I. Joe premiered as a five-part mini-series on September 12, 1983, and with the success of that animated introduction, a second mini-series was aired, G.I. Joe: The Revenge of Cobra, on September 10, 1984.

G.I. Joe used what is referred to as "traditional cel animation" . As a cel collector, it is a special thrill to obtain what is called a key master setup which is both the cel and its accompanying backdrop or background painting, especially from the popular Sunbow Marvel production. As the vast majority of surviving G.I. Joe key master setups are permanently affixed (production cel & background) finding undamaged, stand-alone backgrounds seems to be quite difficult thus making them a rare and collectable item. I am please to showchase but a few in this section of my gallery. Link to the Episode: Episode from ROC

 Joe console

 Episode 4 Cobra Strikes : Cobra's throne

 Episode 6: In The Cobra's Pit

 Cobra Quake


 Episode: Memories of Mara

 Episode 1: The Pyramid of Darkness - G.I. Joe Headquarters

 Episode 6: In The Cobra's Pit

 Purple interior

 Episode: 6: In The Cobra's Pit

 Episode: 6: In The Cobra's Pit

 Episode: 6: In The Cobra's Pit

 Episode: 6:In The Cobra's Pit

 Episode: 6:In The Cobra's Pit

 Episode 13: Twenty Questions: HeadQuarters

 Episode 16: Synthoid Conspiracy Part 1

 Episode 16: Synthoid Conspiracy - Cobra transport plane

 Episode: Lights! Camera! Cobra! - Base

 Episode 16: Synthoid Conspiracy - Cobra transport plane

 Valkyrie submarine interior

 Episode 42 Primordial Plot

 Episode 42 Primordial Plot

 Episode 48: The Pit of Vipers - Stone Mesa

 Episode 48: The Pit of Vipers -MESA base computer
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292203

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