Guardians of Good
Toei: King Arthur

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An Toei Animation created 30 episodes
Sep. 9, 1979 - Mar. 30, 1980

Arthur saved by Merlin, a wise magician, and brought up by a retired knight. When he was 15 years old, he happens to prove that he is the person to be the king of all Britain, by drawing out the sacred sword, Excalibur, which no other men was succeeded to draw out from the iron stand. But in order to become a real king, he has to beat Lavic who is under the protection of Medessa, an evil witch. Merlin tells Arthur that he has to find out the Holy Shield to bend King Lavic and Medessa.

Thus, Arthur goes on a journey to seek the Holy Shield. On the way he runs into four boy knights-Lancelot, Perceval, Tristan and Guerrehet, who hold up the same ideals as he does. They make a pilgrimage from one country to another in search for the Holy Shield, helping some common people who are distressed by bad aristocrats under the influence of Lavic, and subjugating some bandits.

Arthur and his knights continue to travel to achieve their end, i.e., the reconstruction of an ideal country, Kingdom of Logres.

 King Arthur

 Character Comparison model

 Sword in stone

 King Arthur

 King Arthur

 King Arthur

 King Arthur

 King Arthur

 King Arthur

 King Arthur



 King Arthur

 King Arthur

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292251

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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