Bluth: The Secret of NIMH
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There are more than 600 colors at work in "The Secret of NIMH," nearly 500 of which were developed by Don Bluth Studio. There will also be more than 1000 backgrounds.
In all movies, there are 24 frames of film projected onto the screen per second. In classical animation, there are 24 drawings of each animated character or special effect per second when the camera is moving, as in a dolly shot or a pan. In shots where the camera is stationary, there are 12 drawings per second, or one for every two frames of film. Many times the characters or effects are each done on separate plastic cels. In some shots in "The Secret of NIMH," there are 96 drawings in a single second of film. By the time the film is finished, including all the preliminary sketches, key poses and cleaned up art, there will be a million-and-a-half drawings done.