Guardians of Good
ELF Corp: Dragon Knight 4

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This story has an unusual beginning: the hero Kakeru has lost his final battle against the Upper Rogue Lushifon and now languishing in his dungeon. Since erschein at once an elf, free Kakeru and sends him into the past, so he gets a second chance. This is actually chosen as the elf Lushifons bride. But she has different feelings. Actually, Dragon Knight 4 "a role playing game, like Record of Lodoss War, to which it is also reminiscent of many places. However, there are only four episodes, the action is, therefore, in some places is pretty streamlined and otherwise progressing very rapidly.

 hino and rishfuku

 hino and rishfuku

 hino and rishfuku

 hino and rishfuku

 hino and rishfuku

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292209

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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