Guardians of Good
Bakshi : Fritz the Cat

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Fritz the Cat is a 1972 American animated comedy film written and directed by Ralph Bakshi as his feature film debut. Based on the comic strip of the same name by Robert Crumb, the film was the first animated feature film to receive an X rating in the United States. It focuses on Fritz (voiced by Skip Hinnant), an anthropomorphic feline in mid-1960s New York City who explores the ideals of hedonism and sociopolitical consciousness. The film is a satire focusing on American college life of the era, race relations, the free love movement, and left- and right-wing politics. Fritz the Cat is the most successful independent animated feature of all time, grossing over $100 million worldwide.

 Fritz the Cat

 Fritz the Cat

 Fritz the Cat and the band

 Fritz the Cat

 Crows on OBG

 Fritz the Cat Tub action

 Fritz the Cat Tub orgy

 Tub orgy

 Rabbi scholars

 Fritz the Cat- Police pigs

 Fritz the Cat Police pigs

 Fritz the Cat

 Fritz the Cat Police pigs


 Fritz the Cat Pigs and Crows

 Big Bertha & Fritz the Cat

 Big Bertha & Fritz the Cat

 Big Bertha & Fritz the Cat

 Big Bertha & Fritz the Cat

 Big Bertha

 Big Bertha

 Big Bertha & Fritz the Cat

 Big Bertha & Fritz the Cat

 Fritz the Cat
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292248

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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