Guardians of Good
Toei: Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends

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The animated television series Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends originally aired on the NBC network Saturday mornings beginning in 1981 with Iceman (from Marvel Comics' X-MEN) and an original character, Firestar, were added. Season 1 -13 episodes, Season 2 - 3 episodes and Season 3 lasted 8 episodes. .

Spiderman site

 Episode 1: The Triumph Of The Green Goblin

 Episode x:

 Episode 11: Knights and Demons - Spiderman

 Episode 11: Knights and Demons - Spiderman

 Episode 11: Knights and Demons - Spiderman

 Episode 11: Knights and Demons - Spiderman

 Episode 11: Knights and Demons - Spiderman

 Episode 11-: Knights and Demons - Black Knight

 Episode 11: Knights and Demons - Iceman

 Episode 15: Along came a Spidey-Peter Parker

 Episode 15: Along came Spidey! - Angelica

 Episode 15: Along came Spidey -Shocker

 Episode 15: Along came Spidey! -Peter Parker

 Episode 15: Along came Spidey -Peter Parker

 Episode 15: Along came Spidey -Spider-Man

 Episode 15: Along came a Spidey- Spider-man

 Episode 15: Along came a Spidey- Spider-man

 Episode 16: A Firstar is born -Firestar

 Episode 16: A Firstar is born -Angel

 Episode 16: A Firstar is born - Wolverene and Cyclops

 Episode 16: A Firstar is born -Firestar

 Episode 16: A Firstar is born - Storm

 Episode 16: A Firstar is born - Storm

 Episode 16: A Firstar is born - Storm
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292203

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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