Guardians of Good
WB: Superman Animated Series

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In September 1996, the Warner Brothers television network began a new animated series: Superman. Two of the best animated series on television joined forces on the Kids' WB! when the legendary Man of Steel and the Caped Crusader came together in The New Batman/Superman Adventures.

 The Fastest Man Alive - Superman & Flash

 S2 Ep 3: Speed Demons - Flash

 S2 Ep 3: Speed Demons - Flash & Lois


 Ep 15: "A Fish Story" Superman and Lois Lane

 Ep 18: "The Hand of Fate"

 Ep: 28 Father's Day - Superman and Kalibak

 Ep: 28 Father's Day - Superman and Kalibak

 Ep: 28 Father's Day- Superman and Kalibak

 Ep 33 Bizarro's World- Bizarro and Maggie Sawyer

 Ep 48 Superman - In Brightest Day- Green Lantern

 Ep 48 Superman - In Brightest Day- Green Lantern
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292247

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