Tribune: Soul Train
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The animator was the Australian, John Maguire. During the late 60s, 70s and 80s, he worked in London (for George Dunning's TVC on Charlotte Street as well as for Richard William's studio over in Soho Square, and others) as well as in Hollywood and Sydney, Australia.
In L.A., he opened his own shop, on Wilshire Blvd, in The Miracle Mile district of L.A. He named it "Dog & Duck Studios" after the London animators' pub of the same name. It was the one Tudor-style building on Wishire Blvd.---a two-storey English cottage! John Maguire passed in his mid-50s in the late 80s. Sam Pal (Palazolla) began as the animators' pencil sharpener and general assistant under Chuck Jones, out on the famous "Termite Terrace" in the very late 1950s / early 1960s, and worked his way rapidly up to animation supervisor / production manager and then on to animation producer. He worked both at Warners and later at M.G.M., always in animation. Hence, Sam knew a lot of the old school animators, including the great Tex Avery for whom he became business partner and producer at C.P.C in Hollywood, during Tex's later years when he was animating mainly TV commercials. Sam opened his own company, Sam Pal Productions. He had met Don Cornelius and they hatched the idea for an animated show open for Don's music show, Soul Train.
Along with all of the cels there is a camera report sheet (from the rostrum camera house, Animagraphics, in Burbank) dated 3-14-83. The camera report may have been for changes or additions Don wanted a few years later.
This art pertains to the era of the show moving west, as evidenced by the 16 field background aerial shot of the train tracks weaving across America.
I managed to find 4 scenes (all cels, exposure sheets and backgrounds) carefully up and ship them on out to you in a secure, padded box. They'll need to be signed for. I'll e-mail you shipping details once they have shipped. Just give me a couple of days to get it all ready to go.