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Bluth: Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp

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Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp is a 1991 laserdisc video game by Digital Leisure. It is regarded as the first "true" sequel to Dragon's Lair. It takes place years after the timeline of the original Dragon's Lair. Dirk has married Daphne, and the marriage has produced several children. When Daphne is kidnapped by the evil wizard Mordroc in order to be forced into marriage, Dirk's children are clearly upset by the abduction of their mother, and Dirk must once again save her. The game has 8 stages. 1; Dirk's mother-in-law in the deceased Singe's old castle,and the time machine that will allow him to pursue Mordroc. Stage 2; In prehistoric times, Mordroc takes a moment to taunt Dirk as he battles pterodactyls, a T-rex, and two winged centaurs that carry Daphne away. Stage 3; In 1865, Dirk is materialized in Alice in Wonderland. Stage 4; In the Garden of Eden, Stage 5; In 1804, Dirk is shrunk to the size of a mouse in Ludwig van Beethoven's study, Stage 6; In Ancient Egypt, avoiding poison gas, spiders, giant bats, corrosive acid, scarabs, and a giant mummy. Stage 7; At his castle, Mordoc puts the Death Ring on Daphne's finger, which transforms her into her monstrous form, Dirk must get the ring off her finger, restore her to normal, and defeat Mordroc at the same time. Final Stage; Although Mordroc is finally defeated, Dirk must fight off Mordoc's own surviving minions, who gets their revenge on him for defeating him, so that Dirk safely escapes the crumbling castle with Daphne.This also includes 3 death scenes that were not used in the final release.

 Level 1: Dirk's House Dirk & mother-in-law

 Level 1: Dirk's House- Dirk's boy

 Level 1: Dirk's House- Dirk's boys

 Level 1: At the castle-Dirk with Sword

 Level 1: At the castle- Dirk & Snake

 Level 2: The Land Before Time- Mordroc & Daphne

 Dirk and Daphne

 Level 2: The Land Before Time- Dirk & Dacary l l

 Level 4: Eden -Dirk & Serpent

 Level 4: Eden -Dirk & Serpent

 Level 4: Eden -Dirk

 Level 5: Beethoven's Fifth -Dirk

 Level 5: Beethoven's Fifth -Dirk

 Level 6: In Ancient Egypt

 Level 6: In Ancient Egypt

 Level 6: In Ancient Egypt

 Level 6: In Ancient Egypt

 Stage 7 - Daphne the banshee.

 Stage 7 - Daphne awakening from Dirks kiss

 Level 7: The Grand Finale- Princess Daphne

 Level 7: The Grand Finale- Princess Daphne

 Level 7: The Grand Finale- Princess Daphne and Dirk

 Level 8: Dirk's House- Dirk's kids

 Level 8: Dirk's House- Children Fighting
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