Guardians of Good
Bluth: Thumbelina

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Thumbelina is a 1994 American animated film directed by Don Bluth and Gary Goldman from a screenplay by Bluth based on Hans Christian Andersen's Thumbelina. The film was produced by Don Bluth Entertainment and was released to movie theaters by Warner Bros. Family Entertainment on March 30, 1994. The film's distribution rights are now owned by 20th Century Fox.


 Thumbelina on book








 Grundel and Jacquimo


 Li'l Bee, Baby Bug, & Gnatty

 Li'l Bee, Baby Bug, & Gnatty

 Li'l Bee, Baby Bug, & Gnatty

 Li'l Bee, Baby Bug, & Gnatty

 Berkeley Beetle

 Berkeley Beetle Gang

 Prince Cornelius

 Berkeley Beetle


 Ms. Fieldmouse and Berkeley Beetle


 King and Queen

 Thumbelina and Prince Cornelius
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292252

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