Guardians of Good
Bluth: Banjo the Woodpile Cat

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Banjo the Woodpile Cat is a 1979 animated television film directed by Don Bluth. It follows the story of Banjo, an overly curious and rebellious kitten who, after getting into trouble for falling from a house to see if he could land on his feet, runs away from his woodpile home in his owners' farm in Payson, Utah by catching a truck to Salt Lake City. The film took four years to make and it was the first production of Don Bluth Productions, later Sullivan Bluth Studios.

 Banjo and Crazy legs


 Emily and Jean


 Banjo and Crazy legs

 Banjo and Zazu
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292247

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