Guardians of Good
Columbia: Heavy Metal Part 2

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Part 2: Harry Canyon story- In a dystopian future New York City, cynical taxi driver Harry Canyon narrates his day in film. He stumbles into an incident with a gangster and his cyborg henchmen murder an archaeologist. Harry cannot afford to pay for a police investigation, so he takes the girl back to his apartment. That night, the girl strips, climbs into his bed, and they have sex.

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harrys bed

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story -patrol man

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story -patrol man

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry's cab

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Thug

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story -Rudnik

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Mystery Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Hookers

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Hooker

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Hooker

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Police

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Illegal Allien

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Rudnik

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women

 Part 2: Harry Canyon story - Harry w/ Women
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Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292211

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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