Guardians of Good
Nelvana: Rock & Rule

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Rock & Rule is a 1983 Canadian adult animated musical science fiction fantasy film from the animation studio Nelvana, marking the first time the company has made an animated production for adults. In the film a rock & roll singer searches for eternal life in this animated musical fantasy set in a post-nuclear dystopia. Similar to the earlier Heavy Metal (1981) in tone, this film attempts to incorporate mythical themes and mutant beings with music by Cheap Trick, Deborah Harry, Iggy Pop, and other popular acts of the time, with mixed success. Clive Smith's film was a disappointment at the box-office, but has since attracted a minor cult following.



 Stretch & Dizzy

  Stretch & Dizzy

 Stretch & Dizzy



 Mok Swagger

 Mok Swagger

 Mok Swagger

 Dizzy, Omar & Stretch

 Dizzy, Omar & Stretch

 Dizzy, Omar & Stretch

  Stretch & Dizzy

 Dizzy and Zip




 Zip & Toad



Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
Hits: 292252

Presentation 8.27/10   Collection 8.87/10   Overall 8.70/10   Votes 60 votes
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