Guardians of Good
Lightning Comics Hellina:

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Sandra Lords is the daughter of Matthew James Lords and Mary Elizabeth Lords. When Sandra went to college, she felt alone. She failed her first exams in all her classes. She had no real friends and was homesick. Then she met Michael Naymen, who quickly became her boyfriend and her grades went up. Early in December, Michael's father was killed in an automobile accident and he had to leave to take care of family matters. While Michael was gone, Heather, a girl from Sandra's dorm invited Sandra to her bible study group. That's when a satanic cult named Seventh Day attacked the girls. First they violated Heather, then they brainwashed Sandra. Upon Michael's return to campus, Sandra was programmed by the cult to kill him, which she did. More and more she rose through the ranks of the cult, until one day, during one of their rituals, Lucifer appeared and chose Sandra to be his pawn of vengeance against Perg. Lucifer transformed her into Hellina.

 Hellina Heart Of Thorns

Curator: guardiansofgood
Gallery Created: 6/3/2006
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